

My love of looking through the camera lens began during my college undergraduate education, at which point I decided to make photography my major. I continued onto graudate school at Florida State University where I studied film as it pertained to motion pictures. For my thesis work I concentrated on cinematography, and since have gone on to shoot other films in both traditional manners and digitally.

I happily work in any capacity with motion picture and still cameras, from assisting to operating and beyond. I am currently based out of Los Angeles, CA, but I am always willing to go anywhere in the world for the sake of cinema, photography, and adventure. In this little corner of the internet I am merely sharing a few samples of the work I do, so that maybe we can work together one day. Cheers.

Julie A. Hotz

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  • Blog Posts

    The Darkroom

    04 November 2010 0 comments
    Last summer I worked with Grand Valley State University as the Cinematographer for the short film, "The Darkroom." I collaborated with Director Eric Yang (who is a faculty member at GVSU), and I was able to teach workshops to the film students of GVSU as well.  Here's a still I took on our last day of set:

    We all had a blast filmming and my first time in Michigan was wonderful.

    Cine Reel

    This reel is a little older than I realized, but I hope to soon remedy that.  Until then, enjoy:

    Julie A Hotz - Cine Reel on Vimeo.

    Formats included: 16mm, 35mm, DV
